• Hello,

    As I recently purchased a Kemper powered head with footswitch, I have a few questions for Live performing:

    1. Am I better off plugging into a cabinet or going direct? A lot of users have posted that going direct will deliver the true, uncompromised sound/tone since it eliminates mic'ing a cab.

    2. If I do connect my Kemper to a cabinet, should I be using a TS cable or just a standard instrument cable? I've always used TS Cables connecting my former Blackstar Metalhead to a Blackstar 2x12 Celestion speaker cab.

    3. How does the Cabinet emulation work exactly? I'm a little new to it.

    4. Where do I buy a Kemper Cabinet?

  • Whoa dude... !...I dont think a kemper Cab exists does it?

    Lots of folks use DXR10/12 cabs, RCF, amongst others, its really a personal choice thing, just search the forum for FRFR cabs..

    Im not sure too many people here mic up cabs with a Kemper...usually direct to FOH.

    No Gain - No Pain.... :D

  • For the first question ("Am I better off plugging into a cabinet or going direct?"), I do both at the same time. I use a guitar cab (connected by speaker cable from my powered toaster) behind me and then go XLR out to the mixer for mic'ing purposes to FOH. I like having the feel of the guitar cab behind me, and like the flexibility to still connect direct to the mixer (no need for mic'ing the guitar cab - I get a consistently good sound to the FOH and it also makes setup/tear down that much easier)

  • I've always used TS Cables connecting my former Blackstar Metalhead to a Blackstar 2x12 Celestion speaker cab.

    I hope you are using SPEAKER cable when you connect a powered head to a cabinet and not an instrument cable. =O

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • 1) Direct, but ideally both so you have a cab for monitor. Otherwise if you can afford it, an FRFR cab.

    2) Speaker cable, you can melt instrument cables! This is true for ALL amps..

    3) It doesn't. The profiles include the cabinet. To run through a cab, it emulates taking the cab out...unless you use merged profiles. Some profiles are made without cabs ( direct profiles) and some are a combination of the 2, so the direct part of the profile goes via the speaker out and the part of the profile which includes cab goes via the direct out, so you get best of both worlds.

    4) They don't make them. There are loads of options from regular cabs ( assuming you have the powered version) to FRFR speakers. I use a regular unpowered PA monitor. Spent £180 on it and its great!

    Try to find some merged profiles. There is no way to tell if it is a merged profile, only from the title/description, but I think there are some in the profile packs via Rig Manager.

    Final tip - use morphing as an additional set of changes on your footswitch. On each of my slots ( there are 5 for each performance) I have another for small changes e.g. to boost a riff. You can do this by pressing the same footswitch and you'll see the second led light up....

    Hope that helps...