Only complaint about my Kemper Where is the spring reverb sound?

  • The spring reverb was not for me... it dont sound anything like my spring reverb on my Koch amp, or other Fender like amps that I have played.. its too much vibrato and not smooth enaugh for my taste.. I keep my tweaked hall verb....
    But I am sure there are guys out there who lik that type of reverb!!

  • The spring reverb was not for me... it dont sound anything like my spring reverb on my Koch amp, or other Fender like amps that I have played.. its too much vibrato and not smooth enaugh for my taste.. I keep my tweaked hall verb....
    But I am sure there are guys out there who lik that type of reverb!!

    That's odd. I just had the chance to A/B a profile I made of an old 70's Fender Twin at rehearsal with the amp that the profile came from. It took me 30 seconds to dial in the new spring emulation so that it was scarily close to the sound from the amp. Amazed my band mates who'd never witnessed profiling in action before ;)

  • Here’s a couple little clips. Driptastic

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  • I agree, the drip just feels too artificial in the FRV-1 and the tone is way too bright, but it’s still better than some of the so-called spring reverb pedals out there (chorus modulation in the tail? Oh, come on!!!).

    The Flint nails the reverb, but doesn’t have much drip. The Topanga the same (though it sounds more trashy than a real Fender tank, though I like that about it). The Super Spring Theory by Subdecay sounds good, though the drip is a bit too slap echo-sounding. For me, the Kemper spring blows them all away.

    Sam, I need to try the profile you posted yesterday. Not much time at the moment.
    I'm a big fan of the Universal Audio AKG bx20 spring reverb. Just sublime reverb. I prefer it to the Kemper... for now. As I said, I need to test the Kemper reverb a bit more.

  • Here’s a couple little clips. Driptastic

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    Nice! do you recall the settings in Mayer clip?

    One surprise has been the difference between pre and post stack even for clean amp tones..

  • Do you have a 6G15 Fender tank sambrox? -or are you comparing to a Fender amp w/ built in reverb (like a DR, SR, Vibroverb, etc) because they are different sounds! With a Fender guitar (Strat/JM/Jag/Tele) it can be extremely bright, and the brightness is a key component to getting the drip. It also has much of that "grainy artificial digital tone" that the FRV-1 has (yes, I'm talking about the 100% tube Fender tank) and is a very "in your face" splashy and artificial sounding reverb. Sure, I'd prefer the 6G15 over a FRV-1 (assuming it's ran in parallel so you don't experience the volume drop and slight tone-suck that it has), but the FRV-1 is a great pedal for authentic Surf sounds...which most guitarists aren't seeking and don't prefer over built-in Fender amp reverb or digital reverb.

    I'm hoping the Kemper spring reverb will be tweakable so that the 6G15, and amp reverb sounds can be reproduced. I'm definitely looking forward to trying it out this weekend.

  • Nice! do you recall the settings in Mayer clip?
    One surprise has been the difference between pre and post stack even for clean amp tones..

    I didn’t save it but all the clips had Spring Size all the way up to 10. I remember when comparing to the Mayer song that his seemed pretty dark. I definitely used a fair bit of high damping.

    Yeah, before and after the Stack is big. I actually had one of each going. The pre stack one was quiet, just adding a little grit.

  • Do you have a 6G15 Fender tank sambrox? -or are you comparing to a Fender amp w/ built in reverb (like a DR, SR, Vibroverb, etc) because they are different sounds! With a Fender guitar (Strat/JM/Jag/Tele) it can be extremely bright, and the brightness is a key component to getting the drip. It also has much of that "grainy artificial digital tone" that the FRV-1 has (yes, I'm talking about the 100% tube Fender tank) and is a very "in your face" splashy and artificial sounding reverb. Sure, I'd prefer the 6G15 over a FRV-1 (assuming it's ran in parallel so you don't experience the volume drop and slight tone-suck that it has), but the FRV-1 is a great pedal for authentic Surf sounds...which most guitarists aren't seeking and don't prefer over built-in Fender amp reverb or digital reverb.

    I'm hoping the Kemper spring reverb will be tweakable so that the 6G15, and amp reverb sounds can be reproduced. I'm definitely looking forward to trying it out this weekend.

    I'm comparing to both. In-built spring tanks don't have the same drip of the Fender outboard tanks, due in part to the reduced spring size. The FRV-1 has drip, but it's really artificial-sounding compared to the real thing, almost like a sample is being played on top of the guitar sound that doesn't carry the notes' resonances or attributes, though all other spring reverb pedals I've tried don't emulate the drip half as well as the Boss pedal (haven't tried the Ventress, I must admit). The Kemper spring is flexible enough to be tweaked to do a great-sounding emulation of both types of units. After the Stack, it can sound like more modern rack mount units in stereo, too. You're going to like it, I think.

  • Here’s a couple little clips. Driptastic

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    Beautiful playing and tone!
    Can you share which profile and settings you're using, especially on the first bit?


  • I installed the update and played around with it a little bit. I've got to say, I'm impressed!

    I believe that with proper tweaking it will sound very convincing. One thing I noticed was that it sounded more full range than my tank. I think if I can reduce some of the bass on the reverb tails it would add more space and air to the overall sound and sit better behind the guitar. I didn't notice much of a change when changing the spectrum or damping settings, but I'll experiment more this weekend.

    As sambrox mentioned, with some adjustments it can sound like the tank, or amp reverb.

  • Hey,Beautiful playing and tone!
    Can you share which profile and settings you're using, especially on the first bit?


    Thanks. I was using a profile of John Mayer’s signature PRS amp from the Tone Junkies. I believe the exact one was J MOD 100 B4 or close.

    I can try to recreate the spring setting and report back.

  • I'd like to post some A/B/C clips, but I'm:

    B. In need of a Soundcloud account
    C. Trying to figure out the best way to divide the clips while putting them in one sound file.

    I did a lot of knob tweaking and comparison between the 6G15, Kemper, and Boss FRV-1, and the results were very interesting. From an average guitarist's perspective...any one of those reverbs set to a reasonable mix level would be more than adequate for a live performance or recording. From a Surf guitartist's perspective (when you play with the mix cranked up and the reverb is a key component of your overall sound)...only one or two would be suitable for recording, but any of the three would be fine in most live club situations. -If only you could kick the Kemper to get the spring crash!!!!

  • I'm a big fan of the Universal Audio AKG bx20 spring reverb. Just sublime reverb. I prefer it to the Kemper... for now. As I said, I need to test the Kemper reverb a bit more.

    the BX20 was a large studio reverb that was designed to just be good 'generic' or "neutral" sounding reverb.
    AKG was trying to compete with EMT plates.
    It was purposely made to NOT sound identifiably "like a spring".

    MOST people's idea of 'spring reverb' as it relates to guitars is more to do with the little tanks in guitar amps that were anything but neutral.

  • I think what matters to me and many others is authenticity to the real deal, not just "sounds similar like".
    It's all in the details. Many amp users get Kempers because they are much more authentic than a line 6 pod-xt.
    Many surf guitar spring tank reverb users (reverb in front of amp) are the same, always looking for the best emulation of the real thing.

    All digital emulations (pedals and software) of a fender 63 tube spring tank (in front of an amp) lack certain small or big details.
    To me the new kemper spring reverb is the winner getting very close to the real deal. That is a huge and fantastic accomplishment!
    The downside is that those that can't afford a real spring tank, will not afford a kemper either.
    Imagine if kemper would release this spring reverb in pedal format, I think it would sell very well. 8o
    I think it sounds as good or better than the new Electro Harmonix Oceans 11 Reverb spring.
    The Oceans 11 spring has a bit more digital sounding tail.

    In surf forums the Boss FRV-1 is not too popular because of its shortcomings (artificial drip, too harsh eq curve, not dynamic, etc...).
    Not as good as the real deal but it sure is a good spring pedal and it is cheaper and smaller.
    Other pedals like the Topanga or Flint are also good but also lack important details.
    The same goes for the spring in the Helix and Axe fx.
    It's not possible to get the authentic raw Dick Dale surf tone details and dynamics out of any of those pedals when A-B comparing.

    Important to point out, the person doing these tests had the controls at very low values on tank and pedals (lower than most use for surf). So the test is not showing what the real tank can do when pushed harder, that the emulation can't.
    If the controls are raised any higher the missing details becomes even more obvious (frv-1 tone kept low to tame the harsh eq).


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    EHX Oceans 11 surf drip Vs. Ventris and FRV-1

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    Oceans 11 Vs. Fender tank 6g15 Reverb Unit

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  • Imagine if kemper would release this spring reverb in pedal format, I think it would sell very well. 8o

    Yep. The same could be said for their delay effects released last year. They could release a multi preset delay pedal on the lines of the Timeline or Time Machine and it would hold its own among those.

  • the BX20 was a large studio reverb that was designed to just be good 'generic' or "neutral" sounding reverb.AKG was trying to compete with EMT plates.
    It was purposely made to NOT sound identifiably "like a spring".

    MOST people's idea of 'spring reverb' as it relates to guitars is more to do with the little tanks in guitar amps that were anything but neutral.

    Thanks for the correction, I had no idea. I'm just an amateur bedroom guitar player. :)
    I do own a vintage Twin reverb from the late sixties, love the reverb tank.