Song per Month 2018 song 4

  • Hi everyone,

    I've got a little time left on my deadline this month as opposed to my March 'down to the wire' :) And it's my first track to be featured via Bandcamp which, so far, I am liking.

    This one has very little / subtle guitar on it so sorry about that. Hopefully I'll be forgiven - if you're wanting heavy shred, look away now. My 16 year old daughter is doing the vocals on here, I'm doing the rest.

    The song is an unrequited love song from the female perspective..... it's longing for an unavailable / unobtainable person who just won't see you. From an instrumentation side of things, the piano is the constant through the song and, if I'm being arty, we could argue that this represents the voice of the singer. The guitar drifts in and out with very heavy reverb / delay to consign if to a distant, out of reach place. Like the man here. So that's intentional :)

    Anyway, hope you like it. Lyrics are all featured on the Bandcamp page should you want them.
