Sound changes

  • There was a thread about this a while ago but recently it has reared its head again specifically in performance mode. I never use performance mode historically but recently have been. I loaded a profile into a slot and it didn't sound right. It sounded weak and hollow and not full. In browser mode the same exact profile sounded great.

    To fix the issue I had to delete the profile from the performance slot and reload it. Also a rig in another slot in the same performance sounded fine. Which rules out any weirdness with input or output settings.

    Is it commonly accepted that rigs can become temporarily corrupted like this? It is really frustrating. I am running version 5 beta though so I upgraded. Hopefully that will fix it but it hasn't so far. To me is worrying that sometimes a rig needs reloading before it sounds proper.

    I liken it to the old 'wiggle the patch cable' type thing where your guitar sounds weak until you suddenly do that. Seems like the digital equivalent!

  • Rigs sound absolutely identical in browse and in performance mode exept you have locked something. This is the obly thing that can happen. I went in this trap years ago and after knowing that i was very careful with locking things.