Help Reamping - Kemper + Apogee Duet + Logic Pro X

  • Hey guys!

    Just got my Kemper this past week, and I've been dying to freshen up the tones on some of my recordings!
    These were all made using various plugins (mostly LePou with a handful of impulse responses). These didn't sound terrible, but I'm going to bet the Kemper can do better. ;)

    I watched a few YouTube tutorials this morning, but I can't seem to get this working.
    Hoping someone can help me get this straightened out.

    This is what I've got setup so far:

    Kemper Output
    Left Main XLR Out on Kemper to XLR Input 1 on Duet.
    I set the Kemper's Main Output to 'Master Mono'.
    The volume on the master out is a decent audible level.

    Kemper Input
    1/4" Left Out on Duet to 1/4" Return Input on Kemper.
    I set the Kemper's Input Source to 'Return Input Reamp'.
    The output volume on the Duet is a decent audible level.

    Logic Setup
    Track One: This has my direct recorded guitar - output is set to 'Output 1'.
    Track Two: This is enabled for recording, and is set to Input 1.

    Now.. I don't think audio is making it out to the Kemper.
    I can hear the audio from Track 1, but when recording, nothing is captured on Track 2.

    If I try to record straight from the Kemper, without the reamp setup - I can record just fine.
    So... Trying to figure out how to get audio from Logic, into the Kemper, and back into Logic again.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Giving this a quick bump, if that is acceptable.
    Hoping someone here has experience reamping with the Apogee Duet.

    I've played around a bit more, and I think the issue is possibly with the routing of the output signal.
    I have been unable to find a place in the Maestro software to specify the main monitor outs as being output 1 or output 2.

    Did some searching on the forum last night and it looked like someone has faced a similar issue in the past, resolved it, but was unable to speak to the solution.
    So unfortunately that didn't provide much help for the issue.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • I managed to make it work, but it was a pain. I decided to get a new interface with spdif, much easier.
    I don't have the Duet anymore so I can't try, but I'll check to see if I kept some notes somewhere.

  • I appreciate the reply - any info you can share would be appreciated.
    Using the Duet for this isnt as easy as I thought it would be.

    I'm definitely going to be looking at a more robust interface in the future - unfortunately, I spent all of my lunch money on the Kemper (and I don't regret it) 8)
    Would love to find a solution in the meantime.

  • I think this is how I did it (not entirely sure but worth a try):

    - record your DI track first.

    Once the DI recording is done, do as follow:
    1. Connect the Duet Output 1 to the Kemper Return Input (with a TS instrument cable)
    2. In logic, you need two tracks.
    . Track01 will have the recorded DI.
    . Track02 need to have Output1 (Duet Output 1) as the input (This is the critical part!!). Arm this track for recording.
    3. In the Kemper, press the Input hard button (top left of the unit). Set the Input Source to "return Input Reamp". Start with a value of Reamp Sense=0.
    4. Hit record and that should work hopefully.