Thinking About Buying A Profiler

  • Hi All,

    I am strongly considering buying a profiler and have done a little exploration. My primary use for it would be small clubs and breweries in my area (in addition to at home/recording).

    What would be the best purchase? Powered Profiler Head running through a cab? Or direct?

    If a cab, what is popular/common for an unfiltered sound? I've read the Friedman ASC-12, but a little concerned about the price since I may drop a ton on the head.

    Really hoping the difference in sound (live) is as negligible as I've read and heard online, I have to say I'm skeptical. Thoughts on this?

    Any advice appreciated!


  • Just some ideas - others will add more:

    For home/recording you need a good set of FRFR (monitor) speakers.
    So the unpowered version is fine.

    For serious live use you need:
    FRFR monitor speakers

    If you already own some great active monitor speakers - then get the unpowered KPA.

    If you own a great passive one - get the powered KPA
    If you like stereo monitoring - please note that the powered amp in the powered KPA is only mono

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    Great Profiles -->

  • Theres 2 kind of ppl....the ones that love frfr and would advice you to go that route....and the ones that really cant stand the sound of frfr..and would advice you to play it with a guitar cab.

    In short: frfr will give you the miced signal of an amp.
    Guitar cab will give you “amp in the room sound”...where you loose the profiles cab and mic.

    Be sure to check what works for you!

    Im of the last sort.
    A kpa through the return of an amp works great, more convinient is a powered kpa and a cab, also sounds really good. I do both, where powered kpa is an excellent grab and go rig.

  • Dude, I use both.

    My advice - Get a powered Kemper, more versatile so you can easily run unpowered cabs. Then try cabs before spending a lot of expensive FRFR cabs

    I use regualr 4 x 12 with Clestions and it sounds great BUT that is jusrt for backine. I always run direct in to the PA. I use it mainly for the "look".

    I also have a 1 x 12 FRFR I use for smaller venues. Its good enough for backline and didn't cost hundreds (£180).

    I do some basic recording and use the same sounds as I do live - so easy!

    I got complimented again on my sound today - I think you'll like it.

  • Hey,

    Very cool to read the stories of other seasoned KPA users. BTW, I am with the OP on this question, too.

    I've recently acquired a Laney IRT Studio (15W of all-tube goodness + USB/reamping capabilities) and I have now decided to opt for the regular toaster (in that lovely white colour); I already have two active L6 Powercab Plus units, thus the output question has already been settled. Overall, I'd like to think that having an amp (in a small format), especially when you are unable to dial the desired tone with the KPA, is a sensible idea. In the interim, you can always aid yourself with that kind of fallback option.


    When it comes to the tone, go for the jugular!