Watch out for the 'CW' :o)

  • I am starting to notice a tendency (when creating profiles) for the KPA to sometimes add shades of the dreaded 'cocked-wah' tonality :S that the GT-10 was plagued with. Perhaps it is the frequency of the 'Definition' boost? (I notice it mostly when the Definition parameter is set past 4 or 5). A lot of the Marshall profiles are full of this, noticably more than the actual amps - IMHO, of course. :)

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • Haven't noticed any "Cocked Wah" sound (unless you mess with the cab settings, in which case yes, but I don't tend to do that because I find them to be uncontrollable for the most part unless I want telephone or megaphone sounds, I've no idea what the controls are meant to be controlling in there as both seem to cut bass in either direction just at different frequencies), but I have noticed that some profiles seem to have some natural phasing going on even when there's no phaser attached. I suspect it's coming from the Cab section but I've not had time to fully investigate.

  • Haven't noticed any "Cocked Wah" sound (unless you mess with the cab settings, in which case yes, but I don't tend to do that because I find them to be uncontrollable for the most part unless I want telephone or megaphone sounds, I've no idea what the controls are meant to be controlling in there as both seem to cut bass in either direction just at different frequencies), but I have noticed that some profiles seem to have some natural phasing going on even when there's no phaser attached. I suspect it's coming from the Cab section but I've not had time to fully investigate.

    Could be with multiple mics not being perfectly in phase. Or general unpleasantries of the cab or room. I don't hear anything cocked. It's been proven that pretty much what u put in the Kemper it can duplicate quite well