How to 'end' preview of rig with Rig Manager

  • Hi
    I have just got my Kemper and I have to say first off, what an amazing thing! It lives up to all the hype and then some.

    So my question is (excuse me if it is really obvious), how do you 'end' a preview of an rig in RM? I can start the preview by highlighting a rig in RM and pressing the space bar. The rig then appears in the profiler and I can play using it to check it out. But how do I then finish the preview and get profiler to revert back to the rig that was in use before sending down the new rig to profile?

    Seems simple but I just cant see how to do it. I have RTM and googled for ages.


  • Hi

    Thanks for that. Yeah that was what I did but it seems a bit clunky so I thought there must be a better way. It aint just a matter of turning the browse knob on the amp, you have to

    1. Turn the browse knob. The previously used rig is displayed. But it is not selected no matter how long you wait. You then have to...
    2. Turn the browse knob again to browse away from your previous amp
    3. Then turn the browse knob back to the previous rig, wait a second or two, the previous rig is selected

    Seems a bit clunky to me. Why not just have a 'Revert to original rig' option in RM? Or just press the 'Exit' button on the KPA.

    Ah well, it is what it is.
