Desktop Monitors - Cerwin Vega XD4's

  • Hey I am getting ready to purchase a Kemper and want to make sure my set up will be good enough to play/record well enough at home.

    I will usually play direct to PA, but in some certain cases I will play through a soon-to-be-purchased FRFR cab or something (not the point of this post).

    I have my audio interface (behringer umc22 I think) that I will either use headphones or earphones with, OR I will use THESE desktop monitors (cerwin vega XD4)

    So I am thinking... guitar -> Kemper -> audio interface -> cerwin vega XD4 (or headphones) -> also USB'ed from audio interface to computer if I am recording.

    Do you think these XD4's will be good enough to monitor myself in the bedroom? I won't be playing too loud since I am in an apartment, but I am looking for clarity and accurate representation more than loudness in the bedroom. I am willing to use either the XD4's or headphones, whichever one will give me the closest sound through PA where I will be playing most (probably in-ears monitors).

    What do y'all think?

    Just as FYI, I have the ATH-50 headphones and the Shure SE315 earbuds that I sometimes use instead of the XD4's.

  • If you already have the monitors + the Behringer, just go for it. It will work fine.

    Probably won't sounds exactly as the PA but I don't think it matters. Your IEMs won't sound the same as the PA either :)

    There was a topic here not that long ago where someone said that the monitors connected to the interface sounded worse than connected straight to the Kemper. If you hear the same, you can just move the monitors or consider buying something else like a mixer.

    The one recommendation I have would be to always record the DI signal from the Kemper as it makes it so easy to re-amp, it would be a shame not to have the guitar DI signal recorded.