backup and restore individual rigs

  • I did a backup of all my rigs, not via an USB but through RM. They are directly saved on an external drive. It looks like this

    It's not a folder but a ZIP-file . After unzipping you get a number of folders which contain files with a .db extension. So you can't see the rigs.

    Is it only possible to restore the whole backup totally or is there a way to restore just parts or certain rigs to the kpa? The aim is to build sets for different rigs on the computer. This way you could fill the kpa for just a specific songlist for just the gig to come.

    Or am I thinking the wrong way and is only performance mode the answer? (BTW, my computer can store more than the kpa)

  • The RM-backup feature you used backs up the entire Local Library. It can only be properly-restored via the RM-restore route and will always be complete; there's no "partial" option.

    What I'd suggest for your situation is to create folders with the same set names as the folders you've created in RM and copy / drag the contents from RM to them. Zip them up and store them.

    To replace the KPA's contents with a set you need, delete the KPA's Rigs in RM, unzip the appropriate folder and drag its contents to the "My Profiler" folder in the app. Done.

  • You can use a utility such as 7zip to access the kpabackup file and extract what you wish from it. You can then use the import function to put on the Kemper.

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