Possible to flip the up and down arrows on Remote?

  • Kemper Support #1

    There are two „world views“:

    a) Performance 1 is the start, performance 2 is a higher number, therefore it goes upwards (the way Kemper implemented it).

    b) Performance 1 is the start, we are following a setlist going „down“, hence performance 2 is below performance 1 (the way I [among others] think of it).

    Neither of those is „wrong“, these are just different perspectives - equally valid.

    I totally appreciate Kemper of thinking about it before implementing it, but an option in the systems menu to flip the buttons could be implemented. You manage to work on much more complicated stuff, so why not implement an option which makes a number of people happy even if you think differently about it?

  • On stage the left switch is easier to access than the right one.

    Regardless of which side of the road you drive on, I like the fact that you guys think of such things. That would have been particularly handy in the 80s, when by the end of the night it was often a challenge to find anything less obvious than a mic stand.

    are you controlling your computer on stage with your feet?

    I spend my days as a software developer. Now you've got me wondering if there would be an advantage to buying a remote for my office. ^^

    On a more serious note, I think options are great. That said, people ask for lots and lots of stuff here (or from any manufacturer) and there are only so many developers to go around.

    In my day gig, the guy who drives requirements for the software is constantly telling me, "We need the xyz feature. This is important, we need it now!" Great guy, but no impulse control. Everything is important, and always needed now.

    I'm happy to give the users what they want. That's what I get paid for. However, my response to this is usually to point him to our ever growing "future development" list (that typically has 100 other "must have it right now" features from him), and ask which ones he wants me to ignore so that I can do this one now. That usually calms him down. :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • "We need the xyz feature. This is important, we need it now!" Great guy, but no impulse control.

    I suppose this quote refers to the topic and proponents of this topic.

    I'd like to inform you that this discussion has been going on for years and there's never been a comment from Kemper before.

    For the first time it was explained , that it is because with the outermost button on the left it is easier to switch away from performance 1/Rig 1.

    And this has been so dictated, or so desired by the users.

    This must be atually wrong: Perf1/Rig1 will only appear after a factory setting.

    Otherwise the setting that was used by switch off will appear. This is easy to check.;)

  • I suppose this quote refers to the topic and proponents of this topic.

    Certainly no offense was intended towards anyone here. I just get this sort of thing a lot at work, so it invokes my twitch response. :)

    My point overall was that I agree - flexibility in this regard would be great. However, there might be other things people feel are even more important, which would push this particular enhancement towards the back of the line.

    I'm guessing that's why it's still not addressed after all this time, because the devs have been working on other things that were deemed a higher priority. That's always the tricky part about developing for a group of people. What's important to one person is less so to someone else, making it hard to please everyone no matter how sincere the desire.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Certainly no offense was intended towards anyone here.

    I felt addressed but not offended. :)

    In my opinion there is no relation between the often deposited wish to turn the Performance button around in its functionality and what we get now.

    I only think that would be peanuts of code modifications.

    I found a solution for myself personally and am not dependent on a solution.

    I have been playing without a performance change during a song for longer time. (With Morph also the necessity for me decreased.)

    Recently I have automated my setlist on the iPad to such an extent that when a song is selected, the corresponding preset is set via wireless MIDI.