Change the remote Tap button light behavior when the tap button set as the morph button

  • I have set the remote tap button to act as my morph button for all rigs, to make it simpler to switch between lead and rhythm settings.

    The Tap button is perfectly placed for a quick in-and-out setting change, with a much reduced risk of pressing the adjacent rig button by accident (this frequently happens to me!).

    I am often uncertain whether I have successfully pressed a remote button and then I need to quickly glance back at the remote and check the morph light on the selected rig. This is not easy from a distance as the normal and morphed lights in each rig are the same colour and brightness and are close together.

    It would be really useful if the tap button light behavior would also change when the tap button is set as the morph button, off when not morphed and on when morphed.

    Changing the behavior of the tap button light when it is used as a morph button would make it much easier to tell at a glance whether the selected rig is in normal or morphed state.