New Owner Needs Advice

  • I bought the unpowered "toaster" version about a week ago and I have several questions:

    1. When I do my own profiles it is over-writing an existing profile. It even retains the author of that profile which can't be deleted. Am I doing something wrong?

    2. I played a gig with the Kemper this week and took the monitor out into the auxiliary input of my Roland Cube 80. It sounded great, but I was using a pin plug. Is there a better way to do this?

    3. I'm recording using a MOTU 896HD interface which has no SPDIF input. What would be the best and cheapest way of getting a direct digital input into my DAW?

    4. I ran an experiment when profiling. I recorded several profiles using the refine option and not using the option. I think I like the unrefined profiles better. The refined profiles somehow seen more generic. Does anyone have experience with this?



  • LuxuryLee Welcome to the board! I'll try to answer the ones I have some faint clue about ;)

    1) I don't remember the actual workflow but I am positive that you can save as any profile once you tweak it as I have done this before. If I remember correctly the "Store" has a rename option.

    3) There are guys in here who use MOTU interfaces. I can only tell you that using analog works perfectly fine and sounds perfect in the DAW. As a matter of fact, it may even be simpler to use as you don't have to worry about clock masters and such things.

  • 1. The KPA takes over whatever rig-tags were present in the profile that you've selected before going into PROFILE mode. You cannot change the rig author in the KPA, but you can in the Rig Manager software. So create one profile with all your personal tags first and then create profiles with that profile selected.

    2. Sorry, I don't know what a "pin plug" is (I am German). But if it sounds good, it is good :-). No kidding.

    3. The 896HD has great A/D-converters, just use those. I am not using SPDIF either, because I don't want to clock my interface from the KPA, which is the only clocking-mode the KPA supports. Therefore I am using analog inputs. All good.

    4. The refining process is kind of a mystery to me. Usually I do refine, because the unrefined profiles sound a little duller and have less attack than the original amp's tone. Refining on the other side can over-accentuate these. The best way would be to have the amp in an isolated room and switch back and forth between the amp and the profile after a refine to see how close they actually are. Or just use your ears and don't care how the mic'd amp actually sounds and if you like the profile, go for it. In the end, this is all what matters. I'd prefer an unrefined and different and great sounding profile to a a 100% accurate profile of a bad sounding amp.