Main Out vs S/PDIF loudness/gain differences with same input gain and more (SOLVED)

  • Hi everyone!

    I have another question :)

    I now own a Focusrite 6i6 2nd Gen which I find is a very cool interface for a reasonable price.

    Now I have connected Main out and s/pdif and found out, that the sound over s/pdif seems better and the swings of the audio (the graphics in the audio track) are more firm (wider) than with Main out (connected with XLR). The input seems the same by the way (just a little bit before clipping - but in the end there is no clipping with main out, just a more or less thin line when recorded, and it's not so loud as the s/pdif input).

    So, shortly: both inputs shortly before clipping, but when recording s/pdif is louder (should have made a screenshot - can make one if demanded).

    One more:

    In my audio interface I can setup "internal clock" as s/pdif (which is "unlocked" then) or "internal" (which is "locked" then). When recording, is it better to set to "s/pdif" so the timing comes from the KPA's s/pdif only? It seems to produce some cracking from one time or another when set to "internal" and recording with s/pdif.

    Thanks a lot.

    Especially the first question bothers me, because I would like to record via main out and record a dry signal as well - so they should have same quality for later processing.