Tempo settings are not saved with the Rigs (solved with 1.08)

  • Dumb question: are these 2 versions of the same rig just with different tempo? Try renaming and replacing them, maybe it didn't save correctly

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Two different rigs with two different rig names, and the Tempo stays on the last setting after saving - for both rigs.
    First Rig: 65 Amp Tremolo fast (Rig Tempo setting 120Bpm)
    Second Rig: 65 Amp Tremolo slow (Rig Tempo setting 60Bpm)

    The Tempo stays on the the setting of the Rig i save last.

    Seems as the Tempo setting of the Rig stays locked on the last even with Lock Tempo disabled.

    Just mailed to support - wait and see ;)

  • Ok, then turn off tempo enable in the rig menu and go back into the tremblock and set rate to your liking (without tapping it in because that would enable tempo again) and save the preset. That how I understand that. Tempo is an overall tempo for the whole kpa and survives even presetchanges, and therefore is not to be stored within a rig. Someone to confirm that?

  • Tempo is an overall tempo for the whole kpa and survives even presetchanges

    Why do we have a Tempo feature in the Rig Settings then, when it's not part of a Rig?
    You can save 60bpm in one rig and 120bpm in another.
    What's the Tempo Lock function for, when there's only one Tempo setting for the KPA?
    Other Multieffect-units do have a Tempo feature for every preset, even through midi.

  • The tc products, the fractal audio's, the boss gt's, they all allow global tempo. When you play a song live, that song has one tempo and when you change sounds, clean, distorted, solo, you want to keep the tempo the same for the whole song. You don't need to tap it in once again every time you change to another preset.

  • The tc products, the fractal audio's, the boss gt's, they all allow global tempo. When you play a song live, that song has one tempo and when you change sounds, clean, distorted, solo, you want to keep the tempo the same for the whole song. You don't need to tap it in once again every time you change to another preset.

    Yes, but you can choose to have the tempo set to global or a tempo saved for each single patch.
    Anyway i'll check this later as soon as i come back home and i'll report my experience.

  • OK.

    Same happend on mine. When I save two patches with different tempo, it will not change the tempo on preset change. And I tought that it should work that way first, because many multieffects do the same.....but then I wondered why the heck do we have a tempolock function then?

    But I got it working now, tempo changes on presetchange. I did hold the lock button and then same time pressed tempo (to lock it) and pressed tempo again (to unlock it). Seemed to be locked somehow without showing it. Maybe you can do the same by checking the lock button in the rig menu twice, didn't try it yet.

  • But I got it working now, tempo changes on presetchange. I did hold the lock button and then same time pressed tempo (to lock it) and pressed tempo again (to unlock it). Seemed to be locked somehow without showing it. Maybe you can do the same by checking the lock button in the rig menu twice, didn't try it yet.

    Thanks for the hint Froschn :thumbup:

    I'll try this out tonight, was pretty annoying during rehearsal yesterday.
    One of our songs starts with that kind of a helicopter Tremolo with Tempo 120Bpm and than goes to 60Bpm and less Depth during Verse.
    Was unable to realize that with Tempo settings and had to do it with the Rate setting and the slower Tremolo setting made our drummer go mad :P