My reverbs have disappeared!

  • After I installed the new 6.0.0 update today my reverbs (hall, room, space etc) have all gone. And i am only left with the standard "legacy" reverb. When i try to scroll through my reverbs like i used to it just directs me to the list of other effects like phaser/delay etc... I followed the "read me" instructions and even went back and installed the update again. But still only one reverb for me to chose from :/

    Am i doing something wrong, please help i need these tones!

  • Al the old reverbs have now been consolidated into a single Legacy Reverb to make way for the new reverbs. You should be able to select Legacy Reverb, Natural Reverb, Cirrus, Ionosphere etc from the Effect type knob to the left of the main screen. To get all the resets for the new reverbs to show up in the Browse menu you need to load the Factory content from the System Menu

  • No reverb type has disappeared! The "old" reverb types were consolidated into one type named "Legacy Reverb" with the new parameter "Room Size" corresponding to the old type names. The sounds didn't change and all the options are still present.

  • I have not updated my Kemper to the new software because I am concerned about loosing the presets that are already present in the unit.

    The Reverbs have been updated and the legacy reverbs have been consolidated into one reverb named Legacy Reverb. The addition of the Room Size corresponds to the old name. Is it an easy translation as the Room Size is named the same as the Legacy Reverb as it showed up in the past software? If not is there a cross reference that provides the old name and then the new setting that accomplishes the same as the old?

    Also when I do the update what is the best set of steps to maintain the current performances that I have in the unit?

    If you just point me to prior threads that answered these questions that would be perfectly fine.


  • You seem to be looking for issues, where there are none. Your Rigs, presets, and Performances don't appear during an update.

    The Room Size reflects the former reverb type e. g. Room Size "Ambience" = the former reverb type "Ambience".

  • I want to apologize if it sounded like I was looking for a problem. I should have phrased my question better. Based on Burkhard's response I can expect that after performing the upgrade that all previous performances that made use of Legacy Reverbs will still be present. The Reverb settings in the performances will be updated with the new representation of the legacy Reverbs in the updated software.

    Thank you for the clarification.

  • After I installed the new 6.0.0 update today my reverbs (hall, room, space etc) have all gone. And i am only left with the standard "legacy" reverb. When i try to scroll through my reverbs like i used to it just directs me to the list of other effects like phaser/delay etc... I followed the "read me" instructions and even went back and installed the update again. But still only one reverb for me to chose from :/

    Am i doing something wrong, please help i need these tones!

    In the System menu, load factory presets. This has happened to all that upgraded.

  • I had several hall presets and they disapeared after installing the 6.0 software. Had more presets from other reverbs that I ve never found back. Only the basic Legacy reverbs. But, the presets must be somewhere on the Kemper, çause when I try to put them on it again with the usb stick it says that they are already there. Question is: where are they? I never found the presets back again. Asked the question before, but nobody new. tried everything mentioned above without result. So once again: where can I find those presets?