Anyone have a good early Frank Gambale tone profile (Mesa 50 Cal, Peavey 50/50 + Bag End cab)?

  • Hey gang,

    I'm a huge fan of Frank's early stuff (post-Rockman tone on "Brave New Guitar") on "Thunder from Down Under" and "Noteworker". In particular, his pre-studio release version of "Leave Ozone Alone" off of his "Monster Licks and Speed Picking" really floats my boat. At the time, I believe he was using a Mesa Boogie 50 Calibre head into a Peavey 50/50 power amp ,all through Bag End cabs with EV speakers. If anyone has a profile that they think gets close to this, I'd love to check it out!

    Rather than post a clip of the VHS version of the song I reference above from YouTube, check out this clip from the DVD version of his instructional vid that does a much better job showcasing the tone:


    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston