Monitor pure cab , Main out pure cab option?

  • I get this whistling sound sometimes through my 4x12 but it goes away when I turn pure cab on but I don't want pure cab on for my main outs and headphones.

    Or the reverse, pure cab on for my main outs and headphones but I dont want pure cab on for my 4x12.

    Thoughts, ideas? Moot? Chairs? ^^:thumbup:

  • Not possible I think. It's a global parameter. You can dial it in per rig via the cab module (alternative to the ouput menu) for not having it on for each rig but it's still global for that particular rig.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • I am not sure if it's this or that, but I seem to remember than at least one of the two issues was not fixable because it depends on the signal routing.
    It seems I can't find the thread with the quotation ATM...

    Still chasing a worthy one :/