• Hi, newbie here. Is there a Mac based or iPad based controller for the Kemper profiler? Just trying to work on a larger screen if possible. Also, I’m trying to find a good quality recordable “clean” fender sound with a 10” or 12” inch preferably Weber speaker but Jensen would do . Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

  • Hey Rocky!

    You're singing my song now. The good news is there are tons of good Fender profiles available to you for FREE in the Rig Exchange. Of course there's some variation in Fender sounds. Me? I like the '59 Bassman 5F6-A stuff, some guys prefer the clean AB763 "Deluxe style sounds and so forth.

    Some of my fave freebie Fender rigs are from LERNOULD Thierry. Just copy his name and put to in the Rig Exchange search field and you'll see his stuff. Also Micheal Britt, Amp Factory and lots of other guys make excellent Fender profiles. With a Kemper, the world is your sonic oyster! Best of luck on your tone quest.