Jack sockets on the new Profiler Stage?

  • I'm thinking of possibly picking up one of these.

    My concern is that the jack sockets appear to be soldered directly to the PCB with no external nut clamping the sockets to the metal casing to support them.

    I've had a micro-cracked solder connection develop on an output socket/pcb before on a Digitec floor unit because the sockets were soldered to the PCB exiting through holes in the case with no support.

    I found out at a gig by extremely loud crackling coming through the 75 KiloWatt P.A. at a festival.. I'm quite eager not to repeat that experience.

    Anyone got one of these new Profiler Stage floor units? Are the sockets supported from the inside? Or do we have a situation where an accidentally placed boot would transfer the shock directly to the pcb solder joints?

    In which case I'll stick with my Toaster & Remote

    Thanks for your time.

    Edited 2 times, last by bagginz ().

  • When you look at the picture of the back, I see screws inbetween the TRS, and on either side of the XLR. It make me think the ports might be supported by the back plate.

    What do you think? I had the same question...

  • >I see screws inbetween the TRS< Well spotted :thumbup: Maybe the sockets are supported after all?

    Can anyone else comment that actually owns the unit?

    I can have a look at that later tonight. But from what I remember, they don't move a millimeter.

    Is there actually a screw missing on the picture above? ;)



    Stage user