Pure Cabinet only in monitor

  • Many times rigs are perfect for PA, but the monitor/active speaker provided is too harsh. ||

    In the OUT menu I would like to choose the PURE CABINET only with monitor.

    It would be enough to add a "Only Monitor" or "Link Monitor" flag.

    Thanks for the attention. :)

  • Hi!

    It's definetely not easy to add.

    I my point of view pure cabinet is not a substitute for an equalizer, and should not be seen as one.

    When the monitor is too harsh but the PA is fine, then the monitor needs to be equalized by lowering the HF.

    On the other hand, a Pure Cabinet setting that make the monitor sound good should also be good for the PA.

    Some believe that Pure Cabinet is not made for the PA, but it is made for it!


  • Sorry but I don't agree: pure cabinet isn't an eq, it softens the sound.

    Lower the HF has not the same result than use the pure cabinet.

    "not easy to add" isn't "it's impossibile to add": I hope you'll choose it for "improvements/upgrade to do"

    Thanks for the attention! :)

  • Yes! Pure cabinet sounds great through a PA. Brings back some of that cab on stage-sound in my opinion. I use a little of it both in monitor and to FOH.

  • Sorry but I don't agree: pure cabinet isn't an eq, it softens the sound.

    Lower the HF has not the same result than use the pure cabinet.

    "not easy to add" isn't "it's impossibile to add": I hope you'll choose it for "improvements/upgrade to do"

    Thanks for the attention! :)

    Yes, you are following my arguments exactly.

    Pure Cabinet is not an EQ.

    It's made for changing the character of a cabinet sound.

    But if a rig sounds good on one a first reproduction system such as your PA, but not good on a second system, then it's not caused by the character of the sound, but by disadvantageous aspects of the second system, a frequency responce issue.

    It's obviously caused by your monitor producing too much high end. Thus a classic case for an equalizer.

    Pure Cabinet modifies the sound of the cabinet. Having different settings per output would require calculation two differerent cabinets simultaneously, which would add an unsuitable amount of calculation power to the system.

    For that reason we will definetely not implement this feature, even though we were asked for it two or three times.

    There is another reason:

    By using cabinet simulation, digital guitar amps make it possible to monitor the exact same sound that you will present to your audience, which is a huge advance over tube amps. We do not aim to implement features that would purposely counteract those advances.

  • CK,

    This supports what I've been saying all along. The best way to run the Kemper is through FRFR/PA speakers. If you want the mic'ed sound then run the profiles without Pure Cabinet, if you'd like to send a more "amp in the room" sound then run it with Pure Cabinet.

    The biggest thing that has to be done for a great live setup in my opinion is EQ the monitor out. You implemented this function a long time ago at our request and I really appreciate the ability to match the FOH sound with my monitors or vice versa. This also allows people that absolutely want to use a guitar cab with the cab turned off in the profile to do EQ a good match for the sound from the PA or to match the sound from the guitar cab to the profile better.

    Keep up the good work, I'm a Kemper Profiler user for life!