Profile Sorting Issue OS 7 and KPA Powerhead

  • I just updated the firmware on my KPA Powerhead to OS 7.0.9 and Rig Manager to 2.1.13. I am absolutely certain I got the OS version for the KPA and not the one for the Stage. I prefer to sort my profiles on my KPA by Author. They would then be listed alphabetically within that author's group. After the upgrade they are no longer sorted within the author's group alphabetically by profile name. If I sort by author in Rig Manager they sort as I would expect - listed by author and then alphabetically by name under the author. On my KPA they are just mixed up by name within the author group. After the update and after I noticed the problem I powered down the KPA and powered back up to let it reboot with the same result. Did I do something wrong or perhaps miss a new setting in OS 7?

  • That sort button has always been available on the front panel all the time. If I set it to Sort by Author it sorts them (groups them) by author but each author's profiles are not listed in alphabetical order for that author. They were in OS 6 on my KPA.

  • Just a followup on this. I opened a support ticket last night and Kemper responded this morning that they have duplicated the issue on their end and will address it in the next firmware release. Excellent customer service and many thanks to the Folks at Kemper for their quick response.