Unexpected new Kemper owner here

  • Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! Used it on a couple of road shows last week. Of course results were fantastic. (One of my all time favorite things about this vs. the "others" is the MINIMAL amount of tweaking needed to use this thing live. It just WORKS (LIKE AN AMP! Imagine that?! ;) ).

    So far the M Britt profiles have me hooked. I don't think I've heard a bad one. Finding other favorites as I go, but man, what a difference. I now spend way more time PLAYING (vs. wading through editors, menus, etc.. trying to find something I can work with).

  • Same ship. Had an AX8, went Fractal crazy, but with all of the waiting I took a chance on Kemper.

    I’ve been aware of Kemper for a while, but the $1800 price tag was beyond me. Then one day I saw zZounds no interest pay thing so I took a shot and here we are.

    On this journey I started with the Line 6 X3 Live since it came out. Tried to buy a Rockman (fell prey to nostalgia). The guy cancelled the deal cause it wasn’t working when he tested it before shipping.

    Marshall Code 100H. Great deal. Not bad, a few amps I liked, but returned it.

    Headrush Pedalboard. It was like $175 cheaper than Helix LT. Really liked it. Huge step up from X3 Live. But it had a bad switch, was refunded. One day from getting the HR Gigboard, and I discover Fractal FM3.

    Fractal AX8. I buy one used on Reverb and it was quite cool. Mainly the presets from other users. Had it a month, quite happy, then I sold it to prepare for the FM3... waiting... waiting... I have been on the waiting list since June.

    Decide to give HeadRush Gigboard another try. Loved the touch screen and simplicity, but the tones couldn’t compete with Fractal.

    more waiting...

    zZounds no interest and received my Kemper. Much to love. Amps and effects are amazing! At times the Rabbit Hole of a million profiles drags me in. I’m thinking of going 100% Tone Junkie profiles.

    Loving the Kemper!