How is Gain histogram populated in Rig Manager?

  • Hey guys,

    So, I was messing around with some Choptones profiles that I bought a couple months ago and was looking through the PDFs that they provide for the amp settings that were used to make a given profile. For instance, I have one that has a Gain setting of 10 on it, with most of the EQ controls set at 5, yet looking at this profile in Rig Manager, the Gain seting only illuminates 4 bars, which doesn't make sense. So my question is, is that Gain visual in Rig Manager something that is extrapolated our of the profile itself, or is it manually entered when you upload a patch or what?



    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • Ok, but that's still odd. The gain graphic is ten bars and the profile loaded in question has a gain of 10 profiled, but shows up as 4 out of 10 in RM. I do a lot of my high gain profile auditioning by sorting via the Gain column in RM, so this has caused me to think that I'm missing other higher gain profiles when I sort in this manner since RM is not accurately depicting the real gain in the profile.

    Wheresthedug My RM has 10 bars for full range. What version of RM only has 5?

    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • paults That makes sense, however, I'm comparing multiple profiles of the exact same amp where higher gain settings in the profile are showing up as lower gain in RM vs. the same amp having a lower gain setting showing up as having a larger gain graphic in RM. For reference, these are Choptones Laney GH100L profiles I'm talking about, so not exactly a low gain amp by any means.

    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • paults That makes sense, however, I'm comparing multiple profiles of the exact same amp where higher gain settings in the profile are showing up as lower gain in RM vs. the same amp having a lower gain setting showing up as having a larger gain graphic in RM. For reference, these are Choptones Laney GH100L profiles I'm talking about, so not exactly a low gain amp by any means.

    You may want to contact Kemper Support with those specific Rig examples.