What to check in a used Kemper head/rack

  • Hi all,

    it's my first message here, so sorry if I posted in the wrong section, and I'm from Italy, so sorry for my poor english.

    In short, I have in mind to get a used Kemper for my home-recording sessions, so no powered version, no control MIDI pedalboard, and no FRFR speaker. It will go on my desk, just near my Audient ID22.

    When you buy a used tube amp, you check for fizz, noise, scratchy pots, and so on...but, when you buy a digital head like the Kemper Profiler, what you have to check? In an old post I read about a LED issues in the pots. Are there any other issues I should watch out for?

    Are there any special precautions to be taken?

    Is the head version more/less reliable than the rack version?

    Thanks a lot

  • The alternative input jack on mine does'nt work properley so this is something you might want to tcheck. Also, I had to fix the input of the remote pedalboard but you won't need it for home recording.