7.1.9 Beta Issues

  • Hello,

    7.1.8 was pretty solid for me.

    7.1.9 sees some new issues.

    Kemper Stage

    First, the Stage is back to powering on when the Power cable is plugged in. It seems the power configuration has reverted back to launch behavior.

    Upon booting, the Performance Name is wrong, it is showing the name of a different performance. The individual slots are named from the referenced (named) Performance. However, the underlying Performance is correct, the right rigs are loaded in the right spots, it’s that the UI is referencing a different performance.

    Init Globals causes a hard crash. Error message says exp=unitfound, file=src/profmidi.cpp, line 7078. Pressing Return reboots the device.

  • Upon booting, the Performance Name is wrong, it is showing the name of a different performance. The individual slots are named from the referenced (named) Performance. However, the underlying Performance is correct, the right rigs are loaded in the right spots, it’s that the UI is referencing a different performance.

    same here :-/

  • The issue with booting is .. the Kemper remembers which state is was when it was disconnected from the AC.
    So .. if you turned it off and pulled the cord .. it should boot into standby when connected back to AC.
    If it was on .. it'll simply boot to Browse/Perf mode (whichever was in use).
    It meant to be this way incase you have a power failure mid gig and the power comes back .. so will the KPA.

    Happy booting!

  • When I updated to 7.1.9, I started having some freezing issues when I tried to make changes on the Stage (like assigning foot switches). Unfortunately my stage was already slated to go back due to foot switches not working. I won’t have my replacement for a few days.

    7.1.8 seemed to be really solid for me as well.

    I did discover the deal with rebooting that was just mentioned. That’s really cool to know that it was designed to do that.

    I really was enjoying my stage. One of my best purchases ever.