Programming Kemper with Cakewalk

  • Hello! I had some assistance in this subject a few months ago. I'm using a midi sport and I'm trying to program my other guitarists kemper and I'm having some issues. If you guys could help me I would be much appreciated. These columns don't make sense ( or i don't remember) what to put where to control the kemper. Thank you for any help!

    Track 8 is my current programmed kemper,

  • In your specific case, Data is the CC numbers you are targeting, 47 and 50 in this instance. The column to the right is the value your are sending for the given CC number.

    So in your image, CC47 with a value of 0 would mean you are loading performance number 1 in your KPA. And if I am not mistaking, sending CC50 with a non zero value means your are loading slot 1 in your target performance. Slots 1-5 are loaded with CCs 50, 51, 52, 53 and 54 respectively.

  • ok so is there somewhere that tells me what 47 and 50 are? And also can I turn stomp boxes on and off? I made different

  • I have recently been programming my KPA for a live show which is all synced to a click track - the Kemper manual was of good source of info, as it is pretty clear on which features can be addressed via midi. Look in the MIDI section of the manual.

    The only thing which is still not perfectly clear to me is the morphing via slots buttons (base state/morphed state/return to base state).

  • so with the 47 I can turn stomps on and off and with the 50 I can change the channels?

    Also I have issues with the patches where they'll change but not load. And yes autoload is on, on both rigs