Question about Bert M's pack and Merged profiles...

  • Recently discovered how good Bert M's stuff is and downloaded the Wisseloord and F-Man packs. My question is about the Yngwie Marshall - the profile marked 3 sounds significantly different to 3 M, the merged profile, and was wondering why that might be? Both are labelled as using Greenbacks but the tonality of 3M is really much closer to the F-Man packed which is marked as using the Bogner 2x12 V30 cabinet.

    Not really that important I guess, but curiosity has got the better of me.

    Anybody know what the reasoning would be? Is it a Studio v Merged thing?

  • Newbie here! I'm currently researching different profiles now as I have so many and want to arrange some for playing with a cab and others through headphones etc.. This question has also popped in my head.

    My limited knowledge - I thought the merged profile is built so that the cab and amp can be separated 'naturally.' But unless something is changed during the process it should sound the same as a studio profile?

  • Interesting.

    Studio profile and merged profile (provided it is the same cab) should sound the same.

    Perhaps page Bert directly and ask about possible reasons.

    That's the thing, in the same pack, the profiles marked 1 and 1 M and 2 and 2 M sound very similar. Slight differences but nothing major. 3 and 3 M sound vastly different though!

  • Pretty much all vendors agree that there are difference between these. IME for some vendors the difference is systematically bigger than others. And there seems to be exception having no difference between these. must be technique thing somehow..