Getting the “headphones” to show up on rig manager in rig exchange and being able to hear the tones selected

  • I’ve been trying to get Rig Manager and Rig Exchnage to work for months now, I can’t figure it out. I’ve read up on the forums in here and the YouTube videos, I’ve plugged the usb into my kemper amp to merge the two, I’ve installed all the latest software, I even came from a friends house where he hooked it up and it worked for him the next day on my computer it doesn’t work. The headphone icon doesn’t show up for me and when I click or double click on an amp in rig exhange nothing happens.

    I’m trying my best to outsmart this, but with all the terminology and coming in fresh I’m having the hardest time figuring this out, can someone help me?;(

  • You need to analyze further what is really missing. Is the connection between PROFILER and RM missing or does RM have no internet access?

    Does your PC establish a connection to the PROFILER? Is MyProfiler even listed in the left column under Rigs, presets and Performances? No connection, no prelistening.

    Is there a confirmation tone, when you connect USB? Is the PROFILER listed in the PC device manager?

    Otherwise try another USB cable, another socket ….

    Are the two software revisions of RM and OS compatible. Each software version includes that compatibility information.

    Does Rig Manager have online access via your user account? Have you entered your account information under Preferences and tested credentials?

  • Kemper must be plugged in Computer were Rig manager is installed via USB

    Kemper must be turned on

    Headphones must be plugged in to Kemper

    Guitar must be plugged into Kemper

    Computer should be online

    double click one an rig and the headphone icon will appear

    when you do it like this it should work

  • There is an Internet connection.

    Everything is plugged in how it should be.

    I’m checking these as I’m reading these responses

    i’m not sure where to look to see if the PC established a connection with the profiler. I’m running on macOS, But my Mac is huge, has well enough space for all of this to run properly.

    I heard no confirmation tone when connecting it from usb, i’m not sure what “is the profiler listed in the pc device manager?” Means.

    I have tested the credentials everything’s linked up how it should be how the videos and my booklet told me to.

    I figured if they weren’t compatible then I wouldn’t have been able to install Rig manager on my computer. I wish I could send pictures. Of what I’m looking at. But each time I try and take a picture of the files are too big and I don’t even know how to downsize them to fit the format of this forum?

  • What version of MacOS?

    Sounds if your Mac isn't 'doing' anything when everything is connected, check your USB cable and the USB port itself. Do they work for other devices?

    “Without music, life would be a mistake.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

  • i’m not sure what “is the profiler listed in the pc device manager?” Means.

    Burkhard thought you were using Windows.
    W user here, but I believe your KPA should appear as a peripheral device on your screen somewhere (along with printers, audio card, router, mouse and all). If it does not, it means that installation of RM went bad and the KPA has not been recognised by the Mac.

    Still chasing a worthy one :/