Using dirt pedals separately

  • Straight into the input just as with any other amp. Makes sense as the dirt and the additional boost/volume that comes with the pedal drives the "preamp" stage in the Kemper as well. Placing the loop before the stack could potentially do the same but I would lose a slot with that approach and not win anything :)

  • Straight into the input like any amp. I profiled my amp with a cleaner edge of breakup sound and the OD pedals work with Kemper just like with the amp. I can also use the Kemper OD pedals and any combination of external/internal, whatever I feel like that session.

  • It depends really. It sounds a little bit different if you use a pedal in front or in the loop. The advantage of the loop is if you want to reamp with a profile later that already has a pedal baked in the profile or a profile that doens't need any OD pedal.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau