Ampeg vt40 alternative and question about speakers

  • I’m a huge Queens of The Stone Age fan and I was looking into the vt40 combo and v2 head equivalent and I wondered what amps were similar too those but are easier to obtain. Since I really want to upgrade to a new amplifier but I feel a bit worried that an amp that old would be too unreliable and costly maintenance wise (especially considering it’s price). And as a follow up what speakers would be good for a mid range similar too the qotsa tone if I do end up replacing speakers in the future.omeglediscordxender

    Thanks in advance!

  • With QOTSA you can’t really go wrong with anything. But you definitely have to experiment. You could find lots of mileage with a peavy bandit and a slug of pedals. Lots of pedals. Lots of mids and lots of fuzzes.

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  • I think there is no Ampeg is better then vt40, I had a long experience with it and its great to have one but for the alternative if you have decide to have one amplifier then I suggestion you to visit or search on net.

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