• Pleaseee..

    Id rather not have to buy a new computer and spend hundreds of hours trying to get my daw system and plugins working on a new operating system just to be able to use the rig manager .

    Also since the new firmware isn't compatable with the old editor means I cant upgrade my kemper firmware anymore or I lose access to any version of rig manager .


  • thanks but I use the rig manager version 2.3 currently to manage rigs and organize and group the ones I dont keep onboard the kemper .

    If I upgrade I will lose access to rig manager completely that is my issue . Im forced to buy a new computer if I want to continue to use any kind of rig manager or stay with an older firmware.

    Wasn't really planning to spend another 1000 plus on a new computer just to be able to manage kemper presets.

    The pc I have now works great for recording and no need to upgrade except for this . :(

    I understand they wanted to make this new editor software, but why not allow legacy OS to continue to use rig manager with new firmware?

    I have no need for the editor but I want to update the kemper and use rig manager to organize rigs and they taken that ability away witht he new firmware it seems .

    So basically it works now , why break something that works with the new firmware?

    Can you at least release a rig manager for the new firmware that works with windows 7 ?

    I dont need the editor

  • The support for Win 7 ended some weeks ago. You decide not to update your OS. It is your decision. I see no reasons to complain that someone else (in this case Kemper) is responsible for the consequneses of you own desision.

    Why don't you complain that Win 10 is not running on your system? That would be consequent.

  • I find it interesting that you are looking to use the most recent software for your Kemper but refuse to update your PC to an OS that has been out for years.

    If your PC is unable to be updated to Win 10 then its time for new hardware. You can get a refurb laptop with Wndows 10 on NewEgg.com for less then $200.