Remote Button Assignment at Rig Level

  • At the moment it is possible to assign the Looper, Tuner and Tap buttons to alternative functions in the System Menu.

    However, there are times when I do want all three of these functions available on there respective buttons. There are also times though when I want to have a button assigned to the Rotary Fast/Slow speed. At the moment I use on of the Remote FS (say II) to toggle the Rotary Effect on or Off and a second button (say FS III) to change speed. It would be great to have a Rig level override where Looper (for example) could be set to control Fast/SLow speed changes when required but when there is no Rotory effect active the button would default back to the standard function set in the System Menu. In my example it would be similar to the way Wah >Volume or Wah > Pitch currently works. However, the logic could obviously be used for other things to if users require. Another example would be to toggle on/off stomp D in some rigs if all four Remote FS are already in use in that particular rig only.