can someone help me with updates on my KPA ? I am in Illinois

  • Do you update the kemper?

    no , I have not been well, had lots of Dr visits , & test's, ( no virus ) just old age ,diabetes , blood pressure ect, I did buy a 16 g thumb drive, also purch MBritt 2020 pak . I need to get a longer ethernet wire , maybe try this weekend , but I really don't have much confidence in success , as it was a pain the last time I tried 4 or 5 yrs ago , thanks for asking , have a great day

  • I m happy to read that you don`t have the virus

    Why do you need a longer Ethernet wire?

    I find this video is not the best explainer but work
    Kemper usb

    If you have problem maybe I can help you with remote pc or send me the usb drive and you only will need to put in your kemper

  • I m happy to read that you don`t have the virus

    Why do you need a longer Ethernet wire?

    I find this video is not the best explainer but work
    Kemper usb

    If you have problem maybe I can help you with remote pc or send me the usb drive and you only will need to put in your kemper

    thank you very much, I can send you the usb drive, if that works for you, roger

  • What version of the OS is in your KPA?

    From the Kemper website:

    If your PROFILER™ is operating under a software revision older than 1.8.2 release, it cannot be upgraded to current software in one step. Please upgrade to 1.8.2 release first, and then take a second step and upgrade to current software.


    I can not see the video either, but I just checked again & I have public beta 3.1.2,

  • What version of the OS is in your KPA?

    From the Kemper website:

    If your PROFILER™ is operating under a software revision older than 1.8.2 release, it cannot be upgraded to current software in one step. Please upgrade to 1.8.2 release first, and then take a second step and upgrade to current software.

    Yeah, that's why I asked him in post #5, Paul (see below). Turns out it's not a concern anyway, but I imagine you went through the same thought process I did when I tried to think of any gotchas in order to make the update as simple as possible for him.

  • Roger, do you have Skype/Facetime/Zoom/whatever? I'm pretty sure someone could guide you via videochat and you'd be up and running in about 15 minutes.

    hi , no do not , I am phone stupid , I call it the smarter than me phone. I only use it for phone , camera , & barely text, I have been playing guitar for 45yrs , & don't have 1 song on my phone, & now I just started back to work 14 -16 hr days with very little down time , I sent a usb to mickey , that he is gonna install latest update on , will see if I can get it done , thank you for your reply & have good one , roger