OS 7.2.2 Input Noise Gate Issue

  • Hello, just updated to new OS version 7.2.2 and I have the strong impression that all my rigs are having much more noise than they used to... As is the built-in input noise gate is acting half effectively as it used to, with the same value that I always use.
    Checked settings (Line frequency, Input and Output settings, etc...) and all seems in order.

    Anyone else?

  • The Input Noise Gate sits in the Input Section. Check its value.

    And be aware, that the Input Section including Noise Gate is part of every Rig. So the Noise Gate settings could vary by Rig.

    Perhaps you used to have the Input Section locked, so that your preferred Noise Gate level took effect permanently. And now the Input Section is unlocked and the Rigs get loaded with the stored Noise Gate levels. Our factory Rigs are for example stored with Noise Gate at 0.

  • Thanks Burkhard,

    Yes, I used to have Input Gate locked, as it is now. Don't know... after some restarts and changing rigs and cabs, it seems to be back to normal.
    Is it possible that somehow some parameter config went wrong during the update? Can this be related to the 'no output' issue after updating? Also had that one, but like others, it went away with couple restarts.