Select overall/basic settings via remote

  • As I do love the extraordinary features of the remote over any other controller I ever owned I would like to control basic features Of the KPA via the remote as is possible with performances. This would be:

    - Select input and or output setting after changing guitar (especially but not limited to EQs)

    - Select location of the looper (input or output)

    - New feature: Activate/deactivate standardized stomp settings For the „effect buttons: e.g. No.1 might be I = Booster, II = EQ, ..., IV = Phaser; No.2 might be I = Wah, II = Phaser, III = ...).

    - Change view of the Remote especially in performance mode as is currently only available in the Menue of the KPA


    So far, so good and what else for a great gig ...

  • - New feature: Activate/deactivate standardized stomp settings For the „effect buttons: e.g. No.1 might be I = Booster, II = EQ, ..., IV = Phaser; No.2 might be I = Wah, II = Phaser, III = ...).

    I would love Swiches Preset function. It could assign say I Stomp A on/off, II Stomp B on/off, III Mod on/off, IIII Toggle between Dly and Rev etc in a single process. That way I could quickly load my favourite footswitch assignments via presets in RM and just change the actual effects in each slot as required on a rig by rig basis. I presume most of us use a limited number of footswitch assignments even if we change the effects in each of these locations. The need to manually reassign the footswitches every time is a real pain.

  • - New feature: Activate/deactivate standardized stomp settings For the „effect buttons: e.g. No.1 might be I = Booster, II = EQ, ..., IV = Phaser; No.2 might be I = Wah, II = Phaser, III = ...).

    So far, so good and what else for a great gig ...

    Pretty sure this can already be achieved using locking