Rig Manager - Way to get back to last used position

  • One thing I do pretty frequently is to try out rigs from various locations - Rig Exchange, folders I've created for purchased rigs, Rig packs, etc. If I load a rig and like it I then use the Store Rig in Local Library or I store it to the Kemper. Problem is that after doing this the window is now set to where I've stored the copy to. If I want to get back to what I was looking through I need to remember where I was and re-navigate to where I left off so I can keep trying other rigs I had found. Even more of a pain if I had sorted or filtered things in some way.

    I know I can open two windows and drag and drop between them, but if there was a way to just leave the focus on where I was when I saved instead of moving to where I saved to, or maybe just a way to return to where I was before the Save it would be a lot more natural. I use multiple windows sometimes for things like building a performance, but I'd prefer to stick with one for something this simple.

    Most programs keep a Most Recently Used set somewhere in the program menus so you can easily return to something you were looking at earlier.

  • Even if you use 2 windows, whatever you do in the second one will affect the other.

    I'm trying out rigs, going through them one by one, and I simply drag and drop from the list of results to the Profiler, or to my local library. Even if drag and drop does not change windows, the cursor is immediately moved to the end, and then I need to scroll through the list of results to re-select the entry I had.

    It's just bad experience, nobody can spin this as "feature not a bug".

    One other peculiar behavior, with two windows open. If in the new windows I switch from example the Rig Exchange to the Profiler and I load a profile, the main window will also switch to that view, which kind of defeats the purpose of having multiple windows open. I don't know what possible reason could be for this, but in my opinion each window should remain unaffected by activity on other windows.

    Edited 2 times, last by RRK2M4 ().