How do merged profiles really work?

  • Hello,

    Do merged profiles copy the cab to the DI profile (which seems intuitive based on you copying the cab), *or* does it copy the entire studio profile and combine that with the DI (essentially resulting in two profiles in one)?

    I've heard mixed responses online on how this works.

    If it is the latter case, why would it not be recommended to copy a different studio profile than the one created along with the DI? If it is the former case, the resulting profile must be (even slightly) different than the studio profile, right?

    Edited once, last by mmackus ().

  • I read the manual but I was hoping for a more in depth response. From what you are saying above, it sounds like it works similarly to my first proposed method in the OP - the resulting profile has the DI + the cab (which is studio - DI). This would mean the resulting profile is not the exact same as the studio profile as some suggest (there are multiple very good profile makers which also say this).

  • I don't completely follow your first suggestion. Copy "simulated cab"? In a studio profile there is no "simulated cab" the cab is an integral part of the signal chain which is captured during the studio profiling process.

    The studio profile takes a full profile and guesses where the amp stops and cab starts. The merging process takes the full Studio process without the estimated split and creates the split by comparing the direct profile with the full profile. The difference in the two signals is subtracted to leave the cab. That seems about as close to capturing the cab only as it is possible to get. Why would the resulting profile not be the same as the studio profile using this method?

  • I've updated the OP - you are right, simulated is a bad choice of words. What I mean is that the merged profile *amp* part would be from the DI profile, not the studio profile. Therefore, the resulting profile would not be an exact copy of the studio profile. This makes sense from what I am hearing from these profiles, it was just confusing since so many say otherwise.

    Edited once, last by mmackus ().

  • I understand what you are saying now. However, the point of making two profiles back to back without changing the settings on the amp is that you effectively have the identical Amp portion in both versions. The system is not intended to be used any other way although lots of people who have never read the section of the manual assume it is just for combining any Amp and Cab into a single profile. I made that mistake initially too until Burkhard explained it to me