I've finally joined the club

  • Greetings from Serbia!

    So for some time I was debating on what to buy (Kemper, Helix LT or wait for the new Fractal FM3 to arrive in Europe). ...

    I had the Helix LT for a year or so. Then I got an FM3 when I got my invitation, after being on the wait list for a year. Frankly, I think the FM3 was hot garbage compared to the Kemper Stage I now own. It just felt like a completely rushed and incomplete product. It sounded fine, but was a nightmare to use and program, and there was a major lag when switching between scenes. I ended up going with the Stage because I love it's approach to live performance mode, and because it sounded way more natural and real than the FM3. I think you definitely made a great choice.

  • It's awesome you're enjoying your Kemper Stage, and I think you made a great purchase and investment!

    The Kemper Community is awesome!

    The Kemper Team are always improving the Kemper and its software so, be prepared for years and years of support and new features for your Kemper Stage ^^

    And the Kemper just sounds straight up awesome and is such a great piece of gear.

    Congrats on getting your Kemper Stage,

    & Welcome to the Kemper Community :)

  • Welcome...

    Its worth getting a tube amp to try but to be honest, especially at low volumes, I think you'll find its a retrograde step. Its a fun adventure with pedals but for me, I'd rather spend my money on guitars than pedals..

    Well, I do have a list of guitars that I'd like to own and they're all rather expensive, ergo tube amp is years away, probably even a decade. But I do understand your point, I might even change mine down the road and buy another guitar instead of an amp. :)

    I had the Helix LT for a year or so. Then I got an FM3 when I got my invitation, after being on the wait list for a year. Frankly, I think the FM3 was hot garbage compared to the Kemper Stage I now own. It just felt like a completely rushed and incomplete product. It sounded fine, but was a nightmare to use and program, and there was a major lag when switching between scenes. I ended up going with the Stage because I love it's approach to live performance mode, and because it sounded way more natural and real than the FM3. I think you definitely made a great choice.

    I tried Helix Native, but it didn't float my boat. Wouldn't know about Fractal gear as my only experience with them was through youtube and forums. Actually, that was the case with Kemper as well. Ideally I'd try it out in a store, but I couldn't because of the lockdown. But as soon as I tried it at home I knew I made the right choice. Amazing sounds and no need for endless tinkering around patches/profiles. If I were in a band, I'd probably buy the rack unit and a foot controller (for safety reasons only, I'd be quite nervous having expensive gear lying around in the spill area).

    The Kemper Community is awesome!

    The Kemper Team are always improving the Kemper and its software so, be prepared for years and years of support and new features for your Kemper Stage ^^

    This. It's been years since the Kemper came out and all the improvements are coming from software! It contradicts everything in today's consumer market. That's a massive bonus for Kemper.