Lead boost without remote

  • totally happy with my live and rehearsal sound. Im running some of my favourite Michael Britt marshall profiles but... i need a lead boost. I dont have the remote pedal.

    I was thinking about the Boss EQ pedal, but many suggest to run it out from the effects loop from the amp, rather than from the guitar into the eq then into the amp.

    is there a way to do this with the kemper, or any other suggestions for a good lead boost?


  • Please double check in the manual, but I think you can do morphing with a momentary footswitch by plugging it directly into the Profiler. That will be cheaper than a Boss EQ (although Boss/Roland make good momentary switches) and the switch will not require power like the Boss EQ. Depending on price (if that is even a factor), you may find an expression pedal that is of comparable price to a footswitch and an expression pedal would allow you to have more control over the volume change as opposed to just a binary off/on.

    If you simply want an increase in volume, you will want the increase to occur post-stack / after the amp. You could morph the amp volume or use the volume pedal settings in the Rig section; set the location to Post Stack. You could put a clean boost(Pure Boost) after the stack and either switch if on/off, or morph it between two values you set up.

    Once you start doing this, even with one switch or expression pedal, you may find that there are many other parameters you want to morph.

    Be Thankful.

  • Similar. An expression pedal is a rocker pedal, like a wah wah or volume pedal, but is different. (Although, there are some units that can perform as a volume and/or expression pedal.) Check the manual and these forums for specifics and recommendations. I would recommend shopping around for the cheapest one you can find, unless you are really hard on your gear; then you might need a more substantial pedal. I've seen some in the $20-$30 range. I bought the Mission expression pedals made for the Kemper. I have also used the Roland EV 5 for years. I prefer the cheaper Roland EV 5s and they are still with me after thousands of gigs. New they are ~ $60, but you can find them used. Also, Beringer, and others, make inexpensive expression pedals.

    Be Thankful.