Toaster Routing Limitation? Stereo Kemper Kabinets AND Effects Loop Same Time

  • So I believe to run two Kabinets in stereo I need to use MONITOR OUTPUT and DIRECT OUTPUT. To run an effects loop I also need DIRECT OUTPUT and RETURN INPUT (and ALTERNATIVE INPUT if returning in stereo). Both of which tie up the single DIRECT OUTPUT, making this seem mutually exclusive.

    If I have this wrong please let me know.

    I’m wondering if there would be any negative tonal impacts to running outboard stereo effect pedals (reverbs, delays, modulation, etc.) between the Profiler and the two power amps driving the Kabinets in stereo? In particular I’m concerned that putting effects like this over the Profiler‘s software speaker emulation might mess that up. I wouldn’t be putting any drive pedals there, so maybe it would sound the same?

    Other potential workarounds that have me curious would be the possibility of reassigning the type of output routed out of the stereo headphone jack or master outputs to allow for a solution?

    Any insights or comments are appreciated.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • Just sharing personal experience/opinion.

    After experimenting with running L and R through a Strymon Volante between Profiler and power amps for two Kabinets, I’m happy to report that this had no negative effect on the tone/sounded exactly the same, and the Volante sounded great in stereo through the Kabs.

    Again, this is all in lieu of not being able to use a stereo loop when sending to two Kabinets on the toaster version due to lack of outputs needed, as I described in original post. Not an issue on the Stage version with its additional loop outputs.

    Once I get time to rework my pedalboard I’ll be wiring it with one section of pedals routed independently from the others to sit between Profiler and the two power amps driving Kabs in stereo. Glad this worked well.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.