
  • Hi KPA team.

    Would be nice to have the ability to group profiles.

    i.e I can create a "Marshall" group, and any marshall profile I have I can add it to that group. - then browse that group in performace mode or browse mode at my pleasure.
    This can then be expanded and have a "Setlist" group, a "tracking" group, or anything you desire. - this way you are limitless in your patch design.

    If you want all clean profiles in one group..and all screaming high gain in another.... easy job done..etc

    Can then Browse by name, date, auther group, etc..

    Anwyay I think this would be a nice feature to have.
    Thanks for listining.

  • ... Smart! :thumbup: And a Favourite group where you can copy (not move) profiles from the other groups. This would be different from the performance mode: just a way to keep at hand your preferred 20-sh profiles.

  • I was rather thinking of an easy, 2-level, parallel system:

    • the whole profiles set in the main folder;

    • a set of freely-labelled folders to group them accordingly to a criterion of your own (for example home/church/garage, marshall/fender/vox/bass/acoustic/DI, clean/crunch/power/lead). Of course a rig/profile can appear in more than one folder;

    • your favourite 30-40 in the Favourite folder;

    • the Snapshot for the 5-15 you always use;

    • Performance mode to set your songs sequence (show).

    This is the way which would make things easiest for me :)

  • This is a very good idea that solves many needs very simplistically.

    It may already be implied by the examples of how it could be used but if this were implemented, it needs to be done in a way so that we could save the same rig under different groups.

    This could really help us in realizing what to keep on the amp vs what to toss - btw. Once you have all the amps from one mfg in a group you could audition them all much easier than trying to sift through several hundred rigs to do so.

    I understand that a more robust ability to browse is something coming down the road and many of us have been looking for a tag editor but Andy's suggestion wouldn't require me to edit any tags in order for me to find what I'm looking for when that search function becomes available. I picture hitting save - group - and then choosing either pick existing group or create new. Done. If I want to find my Tweed amp rigs I just pull that group. If I want my Best Clean I pull that group and if I want to see all my Swart rigs I pull that group and some of them would have been in all thee groups. Even if the browse let me search the tags I might find one named Swart another AST.. another Tweed, etc. and I would never keep up with it without a super kick ass editor and a bunch of time.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • hi,

    and an automaticly created group "NEW" with the latest imported profiles.
    (KPA switches automaticly to this group after import/reboot)
    (from there you can move them to one or more of your groups, delete or keep for further checking)


  • ... Really? 8|

    Well, it's certainly by far easier than implementing a looper, USB Audio, stomp profiling, dual-amp and all the other assorted things popping up now and then here around ;)

    PS. +1 for Anot's suggestion :thumbup:

    BuckeyeBrown: sure, you should be able to put the same rig/profile in several folders.

    From a programmer's POW, folders could become profiles' attributes. Or they could opt for a more classic, simple 2-level folder structure.
    The former option has the advantage that you can completely manage a profile's multiple locations by just editing the profile itself, w/o the need to browse through your folders structure, remember where is what and the like.
    Among other things, this seems to me to better fit a future profile editor/librarian. OTOH, this would require more attention when backing-up, restoring, importing profiles. A simple set of algorithmic rules shall be set to not make things complex for the user.

    Andy: :)

  • I think these grouping ideas are very important, and actually, I had assumed all of this would be covered by way ot the rig, amp, and cab "tags". It seems to me all of the requests above would be satisfied if you could search by individual tags in addition to name, author, and date.

    The KPA reference manual states, "You don’t have to fill in all of the tags, but the more you do, the easier it will be to find a specific rig later on." But it doesn't go on to say anything about HOW it will be easier. Am I missing something? I would love to be able to search by amp model, etc. and I think this would be a good incentive for people to be more thorough, accurate and consistent in tagging their profiles.

  • I think these grouping ideas are very important, and actually, I had assumed all of this would be covered by way ot the rig, amp, and cab "tags". It seems to me all of the requests above would be satisfied if you could search by individual tags in addition to name, author, and date.

    The KPA reference manual states, "You don’t have to fill in all of the tags, but the more you do, the easier it will be to find a specific rig later on." But it doesn't go on to say anything about HOW it will be easier. Am I missing something? I would love to be able to search by amp model, etc. and I think this would be a good incentive for people to be more thorough, accurate and consistent in tagging their profiles.

    One way to handle this is to add support for custom tag types and then allow sorting and filtering by them.

    So, if I wanted groups, I would add a group tag type and then tag all my rigs with the group name. Then I could sort all my rigs by the group tag and all the ones in group "Marshall" would appear together. Since this is a custom tag, not all rigs are guaranteed to have it; I'd argue that when sorting rigs rigs by a custom tag, rigs without it should not appear at all. That way I could give favorite rigs a "favorite" tag and have the tag value control the order they appear in.

    Tag locking would be a neat bonus feature--the idea is that you could "lock" a tag value and only rigs that have that value would show in browse mode. That way I could see just my "Marshall" amps and then sort the list by name or cabinet or whatever.

    Personally the workflow I want is to tag all my rigs with character descriptions; e.g. "dark and crunchy" and then either filter or sort by the character to find the best match in my catalog for a particular application.

  • Adding support for an indeterminate number of custom tags might be tough in terms of the UI design and the data model. Certainly not impossible, but...

    I'm just wondering whether it's possible to search/sort by the tags that are present already? The reference manual sort of hints at this, and then moves on. Is it similar to the Performance Mode situation, where there's more in the documentation than has actually been implemented in firmware yet?

  • Copying the same profile to different places is a bad idea (would create redundancies you couldn't handle properly)
    With folders it should be links (like unix systems use them). I'd prefer tags.
    Browsing through folders in case you are looking for a particular profile could be painful with this interface.

    90% of the game is half-mental.