New KPA prospect

  • And what do you think of the Clean Tones you’ve been playing with?? I’ve heard tons of great things about the dirty EVH tones and such but what about the warm Jazzier tones and things down those roads?!

    Also did you try it with headphones? That looks like the path I’ll be starting off with since i dont have any cabs or monitors to run thru atm..

    I started with headphones before the mixer got here and they're fine. I have a pair of ATHM50x headphones on backorder so I used some Sony 7506 that we use professionally for film and video production field mixing and recording. They were fine frankly.

    So far, I've only been using a factory provided Vox AC Clean with some light chorus and reverb as well as a DUMBLE C OTS and a Plexi dirty tone from MBritt. All good so far but I'll tell you I'm thrilled to have so much "all in one box". There's plenty to explore still and I will.

    Meanwhile, there's many 10s of thousands of happy Kemper owners and probably a few who are not like anything else. What sealed the deal for me is a very long time friend who is a studio mixer for 30 years doing work with large acts. When I was telling him my amp delima, he said
    "Just get a Kemper" before I even mentioned Kemper. He loves them in the studio and sees more and more in there all the time.

    Every day you don't have a Kemper is one more day before you hear how awesome you will sound! ;)


  • Meanwhile, there's many 10s of thousands of happy Kemper owners and probably a few who are not like anything else. What sealed the deal for me is a very long time friend who is a studio mixer for 30 years doing work with large acts. When I was telling him my amp delima, he said
    "Just get a Kemper" before I even mentioned Kemper. He loves them in the studio and sees more and more in there all the time.

    Its funny but when I first got my Kemper ( 6 years ago) very few engineers had seen them. Many assumed it was similar to the Line 6 Pod stuff, which was OK but not as good as the current Helix, Axe, Kemper crop.

    Now I get the same reaction that you do....what amp are you using? Oh Kemper, brilliant... I played a gig last year and the support band guitarist used a marshall JCM 800....the sound engineer had to constantly tell him to reduce his on stage volume ( as you need to crank them). Created tension between the guitarist who wanted his singing tone and the engineer who could not balance the sound. Their sound check, because of that, took maybe 20 mins. I just plugged mine in and boom...done in 20 seconds and my sound was fab. He was very happy with me :)

  • I played a gig last year and the support band guitarist used a marshall JCM 800....the sound engineer had to constantly tell him to reduce his on stage volume ( as you need to crank them). Created tension between the guitarist who wanted his singing tone and the engineer who could not balance the sound. Their sound check, because of that, took maybe 20 mins.

    Seen so often. Been through that on my own. Many emotions from both sides...

    I just plugged mine in and boom...done in 20 seconds and my sound was fab. He was very happy with me

    So cool with the Kemper. I love this. And you V8guitar and I already shared that some time ago: Prio 1 is the audience. They should hear the perfect tone. Prio 1,5 (to not make it 2) is yourself hearing it well, having the amp-in-the-room / amp-on-the-stage feeling. Not to be underestimated though but solvable with Kemper Kabinet etc. 8)