Rig Manager sync problem after profiling & duplicate filtering

  • On Thursday, I created 4 profiles on 4 different speakers (3 cabs) with RM open. At first everything seemed fine. I switched to browse mode, and everything was still working fine. After switching between the different profiles to test the different sounds, I decided to fix all the metadata in the profiles. I changed the amp and mic by selecting the 4 profiles and making the changes.

    The postfix I used for naming the profiles was the speaker (V30, LB (Lynchback), G12T75, BV (Blue Voodoo Eminence)).

    Somewhere after that, it must have lost sync. After that bulk change, I edited the cabinet for each profile. The last profile that I had to change, seemed not to let me. So, I tried it again, and still unsuccessful. It was getting late. I finally gave up, and figured I would revisit it the next day (yesterday).

    Yesterday, I turned on the Kemper and RM, sorted by date desc, and there were only 3 profiles, not the 4 that were there yesterday. The BV was missing. I thought I lost one of my 4 profiles. I searched high and low for it in RM. It's not there.

    This morning, I decided to check the Kemper itself, without RM open. I searched for my profiles, and found the 3, plus one with a duplicate name. There were 2 profiles with the postfix V30.

    I checked the profile with the correct metadata for the Blue Voodoo, and edited the name back to the BV postfix. I made a quick backup to USB, just in case. After editing the name, I opened RM, and all 4 profiles were there.

    Apparently, when RM wouldn't let me edit the metadata, it started acting strangely. The part that really had me stumped was that it didn't show the duplicate name in RM. RM seemed to filter it out.

    Sorry for the long description, I just wanted to go through all the steps that I took to help the developers find this issue. As a developer myself, I wish I got this much detail when a problem comes to my attention.