Please, no ugly noise profiles!

  • Today I looked upon the new profiles uploaded to RigExchange, as I do once a week or so. I tried some, and met some with disturbing, ugly noise when loaded, before any playing. Sorry people. We all do appreciate your efforts and your upload of new profiles. But before: Can you please check your profiles for avoidable noise? It is not a welcoming thing when I first have to go to the input section and turn the Noise gate up to 4, 5, or 7 until the ugly noise from the cab disappears.

    Sorry, this has to be said:P. I noticed this ever since a became a Stage user last year.

  • it is coming from your guitars pick ups

    this is partly true. While yesterday I played on my SC Strat, I retried with my Les Paul and switched to Strat agian. Yes, the noise on those profiles with the Strat increases much. While on the other side, with no guitar connected at all, profiles where the Input noise gate and high gain levels is clearly heard through the cab. So, this could be easily turned off using the noise gate on Input.

    Best comparision: take TopJimi's "TJ-AFD #34-Max-2" (noise gate 0.0) and "TJ-AFD #34-Max-M" (noise gate 5.0). TopJimi is considered as are well known profiler. So, why can did he publish profiles with these different settings?

    This is just an example, and as a willing tester, I would require from the profile authors to just deliver quality on this simple settings. Of course, I am willing to adjust for different guitars.

  • I first have to go to the input section and turn the Noise gate up to 4, 5, or 7 until the ugly noise from the cab disappears.

    this is quite a high value.

    The PROFILER genereally has less noise than a traditional guitar amp, but when gain is added to gain, noise WILL come up, it's unavoidable like gravity.

    A properly grounded and shielded guitar and a certain distance from hard drives, cell phones etc. helps a lot.

    I don't think this is normal behaviour.