Tips on Profiling Bass DI

  • Howdy bassists and others,

    I have acquired a Darkglass Microtubes 900 and am trying to create clean, crunch, and distortion profiles from the DI output. However, I am running into a few problems:

    1. When I level match the Reference Amp to the Profiler Amp, I can set a good level BUT the Kemper's profiling input signal into the amp and into my Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 ends up clipping

    2. When I lower the MT900 gain and/or preamp input gain so the Kemper does not clip, the resulting profile volume is WAY lower than the Kemper Profile I was level matching with. The Profile use has a -6db on the Amp block, but I need to boost my MT900 Amp block to +12 and it is still quieter in comparison.

    About the Profiling setup:

    1. Clean Profile is selected

    2. No Cabinet is selected

    3. I have tried in Reaper to use no channel or master fader effects, and have also tried using the ReaXComp and a limiter to bring up the DAWs output volume. Either still results in low Profile volumes.

    I don't want to keep clipping my preamp input signal, but I also cannot get a good volume match. Any help, tips, or advice for getting better bass amp DI profiles?