How long is normal for Kemper support to respond to a ticket?

  • Hi All,

    I just recently joined the Kemper family and, unfortunately, my experience has been pretty bad so far. The Stage I bought had a screen defect, so I opened a ticket. In that case, US support was very quick to respond and get me sorted. I sent them my defective Stage and they sent me a new one.

    Unfortunately, the new one they sent me has a completely non-functional footswitch. Honestly, I'm pretty bummed that they sent me a unit that has an even worse defect than the unit it was meant to replace. So, I opened another ticket (and also responded to the original ticket) yesterday morning. Now, two full work days have passed and I haven't received a response yet.

    Is this normal? I'd really like to get this sorted and get an actual, functional Stage. The sounds in the Kemper are absolutely killer, but I really need it to work properly too.

  • you should get an auto response immediately then they normally reply properly very quickly. However, it seems quite common for theor replies to end up in junk folders/spam filters for some reason.

    Interesting. I haven't gotten an auto-response, but I also didn't get an auto-response to my first ticket. The first response to that one was someone from the US office reaching out to ask for a few more details.

    Nothing in my spam folder either.

  • I submitted another ticket using a different email address, but I didn't receive an auto-response to that ticket either (nothing in spam folder).

    I also tried sending an email directly to the repair email address. Hopefully I get a response soon.

  • I just heard back pretty quickly after directly emailing the repairs email address. Not sure why that worked, but I'll take it.

    Now, I've sent back the second Stage and they're going to send me a new one once they receive it. Fingers crossed that the third time's the charm!