Solved: Cannot find new Kemper Drives.... please help!

  • Hey guys, I am trying to update my Kemper. I successfully updated to the newest BETA 8.01 version of the Kemper OS and my rig manager is also update to date at 3.01. I seem to be missing all the new overdrives that came in the update. I have moved them to a USB stick, and placed them in the SHARED folder. When I plug the USB stick in, (the same one i used to do the OS beta update) and try import the files, it says no import needed, they already exist in the browse pool. But they don't.... pleasse help!

  • I don't see any compressed file in this new folder The KEMPER PROFILER OS 8.01 Beta folder that i downloaded from Kemper. It contains 4 pdf files, the kaos.bin file, a txt file, and the folder of New Kemper Drive and FULL OC PRESETS. Inside the New Kemper Drives folder, there are only the 26 files with the .kpreset extension. What file are you referring to specifically that is compressed that I should open?