Profile morphing/interpolation.

  • I got this idea from Overloud's TH2 software which can interpolate or "morph" between two different amps to create some sort of "hybrid" monster. ;) Why not do this with two different profiles? It wouldn't have to be in real time, but that could be fun, especially if one were to do two different profiles of the same amp with different settings. If the current KPA couldn't be added to, it would be nice to see in a later version, but with the ability for owners of the current KPA to run a PC and/or Mac based application that could do something like this, though not in real time.

  • I find interesting the idea of the delayed-time, computer-based algorithm. I wonder whether this could expose (more) some of the KPA's secrets tho :huh:

    Well, I assume they've got patents on what ever voo-doo they're doing and we can already open the profile in a text editor. I'm sure someone with enough brains could already reverse engineer a KPA. Then... there's the matter of building one, which would probably end up costing about as much as the KPA anyway... or more.

    I just think it would be super intere 8| It might also be nice if you could choose a few attributes to remain static from one of the morph amps or assign a percentage to each morph "point."

  • Yeah, you must be right... But for some reason I can't rationalize, I feel it's not going to happen... even though it would be really intriguing.

    Doesn't seem a trivial task anyway, and I'm sure it's not in the upper part of Kemper's to-do list. Such thing is probably much more likely to be produced by a third part (user)... in 2-3 years.

    PS: keeping some parameters "locked" is a great intuition :thumbup: