Just made my first profile, have a few questions

  • Just made my first profile. I have a 1980 50 Watt Marshall JMP and an old 4x12 cab with early 70s 25 Watt Celestions, a good sounding rig, and the cab is really great. Just profiled it with the master on only 2 1/2 just because I didn't want to blow any speakers on the first go. Holy crap it was loud. I was in the room, wearing hearing protection, but was scared it was going to blow a speaker.

    Anyway, after tweaking the profile am happy with the results - it's a good sounding profile and after messing with speaker tuning and some EQ it sounds a lot like my Marshall.

    Have some questions though:

    - In the beginning of doing the profile it asked me to set the level based on a reference amp - have read this in the manual but it wasn't clear. Ignored this and left it at default -16 dB but that seems like it might have been wrong.

    - After the profile was over it asked if I wanted to refine and I said yes, and it seemed like it was trying to profile the amp more, but by then I'd already hit standby, so no sound, so I hit end. Did this cause any problems to the profile I just made?

    - When I saved the profile it oddly used the default name of the last profile I had been using earlier, so I added one character and hit save, then changed the name and hit resave. Seems there should be a better way to name the profile you just made.

    - In Rig Manager my new profile has an Amp Name and Cabinet Name that are the same as those of the purchased rig I'd been using earlier. I don't wnat these in my profile as they are from someone else. Why are they there and how do I get rid of them?

    - Isn't the cab from the profile I just made? Why does the Cab Name have any name at all?

    - Making the profile with the master on only 2 1/2 it was so loud I feel I can't go up to 5 or 8 where I want to really be making these profiles. But I guess two EL34s can't blow four parallel 25W speakers. But still... damn that was loud.

    Thanks if anyone can answer any of those!

  • - After the profile was over it asked if I wanted to refine and I said yes, and it seemed like it was trying to profile the amp more, but by then I'd already hit standby, so no sound, so I hit end. Did this cause any problems to the profile I just made?

    No, it wouldn't have.

    Refining has been less-important for a few years now 'cause the original capture's usually very-close to as good as you'll get it to be.

    - When I saved the profile it oddly used the default name of the last profile I had been using earlier, so I added one character and hit save, then changed the name and hit resave. Seems there should be a better way to name the profile you just made.

    That's normal behaviour. If you're making multiple Profiles from the same setup it makes sense to name it and fill the metadata fields with the appropriate information (cab & mic used, studio name and so on), save that and then make sure the Rig is selected before making additional Profiles. This way you'll only need to make minor tweaks to the metadata and name in order to fully describe the subsequent Rigs created.

    - In Rig Manager my new profile has an Amp Name and Cabinet Name that are the same as those of the purchased rig I'd been using earlier. I don't wnat these in my profile as they are from someone else. Why are they there and how do I get rid of them?

    Explained in previous answer. That was obviously the selected Rig at the time. Covered in the manual.

    - Isn't the cab from the profile I just made? Why does the Cab Name have any name at all?

    Also explained in my second answer.

    Once you've got all the fields filled out appropriately, you could save the resulting Rig as a template to work from when Profiling the same setup at a future date.

    Congrats on your first Profile, mate. 8)

  • Hi Toneman.

    I can see them on the website, but they don't appear inside Rig Manager. I looked on a couple of different computers. Maybe there's a syncing issue. I'll check again tomorrow.

    Congratulations, and thanks for sharing your Rigs in Rig Manager.

  • Hey Toneman,

    I can see and hear your Rigs!

    I forgot to restart Rig Manager. It syncs and updates with Rig Exchange as it is starting up. All there are there now.

    Nice use of the Studio EQ.

    These have a little more gain than I normally use so I won't venture into rating them. But I can confirm, you did it, and you've become a valued contributor to the community.

    Thank you!


  • Can't believe I'm playing a virtual representation of my amp+cab and it actually sounds closer to itself than I could have believed. There are certain nuances I like about this amp that are there in the Kemper Profile of it. I've been pretty sceptical of the Kemper so am pretty shocked. At first the profile didn't sound like the amp the way I know it so I had to use the Studio EQ and tweak a few other things here and there to get it to sound like itself.

    It actually sounds better here in the room through my monitors than the Ox Box output of the live amp running pretty hard through the same monitors. I have an A-B switch on the input to go back and forth and prefered the Kemper version.